European Association for Bioindustries (EuropaBio)

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  • Source:

    European Association for Bioindustries (EuropaBio)

  • Source Type:


  • Source Geography:

    Belgium and Europe

  • Description

    The European Association for Bioindustries (EuropaBio) is Europe’s largest and most influential biotech industry group. Initiated in 1996 to represent the interests of the biotechnology industry at the European level, and constantly engaged in a dialogue with the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of Ministers, EuropaBio aims to influence legislation on biotechnology, representing the healthcare and industrial biotechnology sectors.

    EuropaBio’s stated goals include:

    • promoting an innovative, coherent, and dynamic biotechnology-based industry in Europe;
    • advocating free and open markets and the removal of barriers to competitiveness with other areas of the world;
    • committing to an open, transparent, and informed dialogue with all stakeholders about the ethical, social, and economic aspects of biotechnology and its benefits;
    • championing the socially responsible use of biotechnology to ensure that its potential is fully used to the benefit of humans and their environment.

    EuropaBio represents corporate and associate members across sectors, plus national and regional biotechnology associations that, in turn, represent over 2600 biotech companies–2300 out of them SMEs. Two main segments of biotechnology are represented through sectoral councils: Healthcare (Red Biotech) and Industrial (White Biotech). Experts from member companies actively participate in working groups and task forces, which cover a wide range of issues and concerns particular to their industry.