AUDA NEPAD African Biosafety Network of Expertise (ABNE)

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  • Source:

    African Union Development Agency (AUDA)

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  • Description

    AUDA-NEPAD’s African Biosafety Network of Expertise (ABNE) is a biosafety resource network for African regulators and policy makers. The overall goal of ABNE is to enhance the capacity of African countries to build functional biosafety regulatory systems. This will enable these countries to harness modern agricultural biotechnology support for improved food security, income and livelihoods while minimising potential risks to the environment and human health.

    ABNE is a continent-wide service network that has buy-in from African governments. It was conceptualized under the AUDA-NEPAD’s Consolidated Plan of Action and fulfills the recommendation of the High-Level African Panel on Modern Biotechnology – Freedom to Innovate, by Juma and Serageldin (2007). ABNE was approved officially in 2008 by the African Ministerial Council on Science and Technology (AMCOST) to promote advancement of science and technology for agricultural development in Africa. It is an Africa-based, Africa-led initiative established by the AUDA-NEPAD’s Science, Technology and Innovation Hub.

    ABNE’s biosafety capacity building services target the members of National Biosafety Committees (NBCs), Institutional Biosafety Committees (IBCs), Plant Quarantine Officers (PQs), and policy makers. Science-based biosafety information is shared with these groups and with farmers and the media so that informed decisions can be made on the adoption of biotechnology crops. The network draws on available expertise, resources and infrastructure, and develops capacity and linkages with institutions within Africa and globally.